Our Members

NSDG members are passionately committed to the growth and development of skills in our sector. 

Our delivery Board (NSdB)

In 2024, the Nuclear Skills Delivery Board (NSDB) was established to replace the Nuclear Skills Strategy Board (NSSB). The Board brings together a range of stakeholders from across the nuclear sector, who provide leadership for the implementation of the National Nuclear Strategic Plan for Skills (NNSPS) while maintaining a strategic role for the nuclear sector on skills.

Mark Rouse Co-Chair

Nuclear Skills Strategy Team

Jacq Longrigg

Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
Group Head of Leadership, Skills & Talent

John Male

Office for Nuclear Regulation
Head of Organisational Development

Emily Ashwell - Co-Chair

Nuclear Skills Strategy Team

David Joyce

Royal Navy
Deputy Director People Strategy

Andrew King


Rachel Wlodarczak

BAE Systems
Head of HR

Steve Layton

Rolls Royce
Head of Engineering Operations

Collette McMullen

Babcock International Group
Babcock Skills Director

Matthew Lay

Head of EDF Nuclear Skills Alliance

Kelvyn Harris

GB Nuclear
Chief People Officer

Nick Walkden

UK Atomic Energy Authority
Head of Fusion Skills and FOSTER Programme Director

Alastair Findlay

Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
Deputy Director (Interim) Nuclear Power and Industry

Megan Hunt

Chief People Officer

Katherine Carr


Michelle Pester


Jane Squire

Defence Nuclear Enterprise

Charlotte Govan

Department for Education
Deputy Director, Growth and Sector Skills Division

Beccy Pleasant

Programme Director

Sarah D'Lima

Volunteering Group

Clare Barlow

Chief HR Officer

Working Together

The Nuclear Skills Delivery Group is the employer-led Nuclear Industry Skills lead and provides ‘one voice’ to government.
© Nuclear Skills Delivery Group 2023 All Rights Reserved
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