What's New

The place where NSDG, our members and our partners can share skills updates on nuclear.

What's happening in our industry?

Watch the recorded webinar to understand the latest activity relating to the delivery of the National Nuclear Strategic Plan for Skills, including Destination Nuclear and Sector Experts into Training.

Latest News

Key news releases and the latest skills related announcements from accross the sector.
Delivering the National Nuclear Strategic Skills Plan
7th June 2024
Join us for an informative webinar to understand more about the ambitious National Nuclear Strategic Skills…
Securing future of UK nuclear industry detailed in new skills plan
16th May 2024
A new nuclear industry skills “roadmap” – based on sector collaboration, investment in training, leadership development…
Learners to gain vital skills for careers in nuclear health physics
9th April 2024
Learners will be able to gain vital skills to begin their careers in nuclear health physics…
Nuclear Skills Bootcamp Pilot
28th March 2024
Live Webinar - Register17 April2pm Nuclear Skills Bootcamps are designed as acceleration programmes to attract career switchers…
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Case Studies

The best place for industry best practice on nuclear skills and skills for nuclear. 
Ask an apprentice: Husam Farraj
9th February 2024
Husam is a Programme Management Degree Apprentice as part of the NSSG team at Cogent Skills.
A Winning Partnership to Increase Sector Diversity - Collaborative Case Study
6th October 2022
This case study sits within the Leadership Skills strand of the Nuclear Sector Deal, which is…
Ask an Apprentice:  Annalise Beddard
6th June 2022
Annalise is a Project Management Degree Apprentice as part of the NSSG team at Cogent Skills.…
EDF Energy Coal to Nuclear transfer scheme
2nd October 2021
This case study profiles the transition of EDF Energy Cottam coal power station employees, to its…
View more case studies 

Working Together

The Nuclear Skills Delivery Group is the employer-led Nuclear Industry Skills lead and provides ‘one voice’ to government.
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