Published: 7th June 2024

Delivering the National Nuclear Strategic Skills Plan

The National Nuclear Strategic Skills Plan is an ambitious roadmap to meet the skills needs of UK nuclear. Join us for this live webinar, where we will discuss the key highlights, deliverables, and milestones and what they mean for the future of our sector.

Join us for an informative webinar to understand more about the ambitious National Nuclear Strategic Skills Plan, designed to meet the skills needs of the UK nuclear sector and ensure its workforce is fit for the future.

We’ll discuss the Plan’s highlights, deliverables, milestones and what they mean for the future of our sector.

Key industry representatives, including Beccy Pleasant, Lynne Matthews, Chris Nattress, and Robin Goldsworthy, will lead the discussion, which will be followed by a live Q&A.

Working Together

The Nuclear Skills Delivery Group is the employer-led Nuclear Industry Skills lead and provides ‘one voice’ to government.
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