
The latest reports and research from NSDG activity across the nuclear sector.
Nuclear Workforce Assessment 2017 Executive Summary
28th May 2024
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UK Nuclear Workforce Factsheet
12th February 2024
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Nuclear Workforce Assessment 2023
7th December 2023
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Optimising Skills for our nuclear future
5th October 2023
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Employer Guide to Apprenticeships in the UK Nations
5th October 2023
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Canada / UK Collaboration Workshop
5th October 2022
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Nuclear Apprenticeship Survey 2020-21
5th October 2021
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Nuclear Workforce Assessment Final 2021
5th October 2021
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Employer Skills Funding Guide Jun 21 - Issue v1
5th June 2021
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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) Strategy
5th October 2020
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Nuclear Technical Specialist Apprenticeship Standard - Consultation Draft
5th October 2019
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Nuclear Workforce Assessment 2019 Summary
5th October 2019
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Working Together

The Nuclear Skills Delivery Group is the employer-led Nuclear Industry Skills lead and provides ‘one voice’ to government.
© Nuclear Skills Delivery Group 2023 All Rights Reserved
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