
Providing industry with a robust evidence base to drive the strategic skills agenda. 

data backed  decisions

Our skills insight activity covers a range of topics from gender balance and qualification levels in the workforce, to scenario modelling techniques that highlight future skills requirements. In 2022 the NSSG worked with Industry to identify the most significant skills risks which can be addressed collaboratively. This resulted in the identification of 11 priority skill areas and underpins much of the activity already underway. 

Labour Market Intelligence

The NSSG undertakes reqular reviews of the labour market. The Nuclear Workforce Assessment, produced bi-annually, forecasts the skills supply/demand from civil and defence sectors and provides insights to develop key skills interventions. The data on these pages only cover a fraction of our analysis. For more information or support contact 
Forecast Growth
The estimated level of growth in the nuclear sector (across both civil and defence) by 2030.
engineering skills
The number of suitably qualified and experienced Engineers the nuclear sector requires by 2030.
existing workforce
The current number of men and women employed in the UK nuclear sector.
higher level skills
The increase in the number of science and technology graduates and PhDs required by 2028

Skills Risk Heat maps

Skills risk ‘heat maps’ compare the critical demand for a skill against the market availability for job roles across both civil & defence. Where there are common skills risks these form a priority risk log where risks are met through Task and Finish Group interventions. To find out more about our skills heat maps, contact

Skills insight Reports

Plan and meet your future employment and skills needs with help from our  unique skills insight and intelligence.

Nuclear Workforce Assessment 2021

A scenario-based approach to nuclear workforce planning: forecasting skills demand and supply in a changing landscape.
Learn more
Nuclear EDI strategy

ED&I in the Nuclear Sector

A strategy report for a progressive, diverse and inclusive nuclear sector that reflects UK society.
Learn more
Nuclear Apprenticeship Survey

Nuclear Apprenticeship Survey 2021

Report highlighting the breadth and importance of apprenticeships across the sector.
Learn more
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Our Publications

From our Labour Market Intelligence to Apprenticeship and ED&I reports.  You can access our catalogue of industry publications here. 
Nuclear Workforce Assessment 2017 Executive Summary
28th May 2024
Download full document
UK Nuclear Workforce Factsheet
12th February 2024
Download the factsheet
Nuclear Workforce Assessment 2023
7th December 2023
Download full document
Optimising Skills for our nuclear future
5th October 2023
Download full document
View all publications 

Latest Responses

We regularly repond to a range of skills policy issues on behalf of NSSG members including calls for evidence and industry consultations. 
Welsh Affairs Committee Inquiry Update - NSSG Summary
1st May 2023
Download full document
Diversity in STEM Commons Committee Inquiry - NSSG Response
1st March 2023
Download full document
Engineering UK Apprenticeships Inquiry - NSSG Reponse
1st February 2023
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Mandatory Qualifications consultation - NSSG submission
1st February 2023
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View all responses

Working Together

The Nuclear Skills Delivery Group is the employer-led Nuclear Industry Skills lead and provides ‘one voice’ to government.
© Nuclear Skills Delivery Group 2023 All Rights Reserved
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