
A range of practical resources that highlight the role scope and work of the NSSG. If there's something in particular you're looking for please get in touch with our support team. 

The Nuclear Skills Plan

Download a copy of the National Nuclear Strategic Plan for Skills.

Skills Plan Webinar

The National Nuclear Strategic Plan for Skills is an ambitious roadmap to deliver the skills needs for UK nuclear. Watch this webinar, as industry leaders take you through some of the key highlights.

Skills Plan Slides

The following slides serve as a high-level overview of the Nuclear Skills Plan and the individual project activity.

Nuclear Skills Strategy Group

Learn more about the Nuclear Skills Strategy Group:

Nuclear Skills Bootcamp

These bootcamps are designed as acceleration programmes to attract career switchers looking to build sector-specific skills. Employers within the sector are invited to watch this webinar to find out how skills bootcamps can support talent development.

Working Together

The Nuclear Skills Delivery Group is the employer-led Nuclear Industry Skills lead and provides ‘one voice’ to government.
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